Play Video Official Bost Machine Tools Company
BOST Machine Tools Company


  • panorama Bost Machine Tools Company
  • front Bost Machine Tools Company
  • indoor Bost Machine Tools Company
  • indoor Bost Machine Tools Company

Ctra. Villabona-Asteasu, km 2,5
20159 Asteasu Gipuzkoa (Spain)
0034 943 692 375 Fax: 0034 943 690 493

BOST MACHINE TOOLS COMPANY oferece aos seus clientes um serviço completo, incluindo o projeto, fabricação e instalação de máquinas pesadas, extremamente precisas. Graças à ênfase em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento a Bostek Innovation oferece uma ampla gama de produtos, sendo o unico fornecedor do mercado a desenvolver um processo taylor-made. Devido à sua equipa dinâmica, a Bost continua a oferecer aos seus clientes um serviço altamente flexível e personalizado.

tuev-rheinland-cert-iso9001-iso14001 tuev-rheinland-cert-iso9001-iso18001


  • panorama Bost Machine Tools Company
  • Front Bost Machine Tools Company
  • Indoor Bost Machine Tools Company
  • Indoor Bost Machine Tools Company

Ctra. Villabona-Asteasu, km 2,5
20159 Asteasu Gipuzkoa (Spain)
0034 943 692 375 Fax: 0034 943 690 493

BOST MACHINE TOOLS COMPANY oferece aos seus clientes um serviço completo, incluindo o projeto, fabricação e instalação de máquinas pesadas, extremamente precisas. Graças à ênfase em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento a Bostek Innovation oferece uma ampla gama de produtos, sendo o unico fornecedor do mercado a desenvolver um processo taylor-made. Devido à sua equipa dinâmica, a Bost continua a oferecer aos seus clientes um serviço altamente flexível e personalizado.

tuev-rheinland-cert-iso9001-iso14001 tuev-rheinland-cert-iso9001-iso18001


Bost Machine Tools Company - Bostek Innovation

Ctra. Villabona-Asteasu, km 2,5
20159 Asteasu Gipuzkoa (Spain)
0034 943 692 375 Fax: 0034 943 690 493

Bostek Innovation é o centro tecnológico que oferece soluções técnicas avançadas para melhorar as capacidades de produção e de competitividade dos nossos clientes. Graças à capacidade de inovação contínua da Bostek Innovation programa de produção da Bost estamos na vanguarda da tecnologia. Ambos Bostek Innovation e Bost Machine Tools Empresa tem inúmeras patentes publicadas, resultante do desenvolvimento contínuo de novas soluções técnicas.

Fresadoras x 14.140 mm 3.260 mm
  • Comprimento da mesa 14.140 mm
  • Largura da mesa 3.260 mm
  • Distância entre colunas 4.110 mm
  • Curso longitudinal "X" 13.630 mm
  • Curso transversal "Y" 4.495 mm
  • Curso vertical "Z" 959 mm
  • Distância Máx entre a mesa e o nariz do spindle o (mandril) igual 1.970 mm
  • Avanço de trabalho em "X" 3.000 mm/min
  • Avanço de trabalho em "Y" / "Z" 6.000 mm/min
  • Potência de fresamento 25 kW
  • Rotação de fresamento 2.000 min-1
  • Peso Máx adimissível sobre a mesa 40.000 kg
  • Milling Machine 3.260x14.140mm
  • Sistema de troca automática de cabeçote
  • Cabeçote universal manual
  • Cabeçote universal automático curto
  • Cabeçote universal automático longo
  • Cabeçote extendido
Fresadoras x 4.460 mm 2.000 mm
  • Comprimento da mesa 4.460 mm
  • Largura da mesa 2.000 mm
  • Distância entre colunas 2.640 mm
  • Curso longitudinal "X" 4.658 mm
  • Curso Transversal "Y" 3.027 mm
  • Curso vertical "Z" 885 mm
  • Curso vertical "W" 224
  • Distância Máx entre a mesa e o nariz do spindle o (mandril) igual 1.310 mm
  • Avanço de trabalho 5.000 mm/min
  • Potência de fresamento 25 kW
  • Rotação de fresamento 2.000 min-1
  • Peso Máx adimissível sobre a mesa 6.000 kg
  • Milling Machine 2.000x4.460mm
  • Cabeçote universal manual
  • Comprimento da mesa 14.100 mm
  • Largura da mesa 2.420 mm
  • Tamanho dos rebolos 700/600/400 mm
  • Altura Máx retificável 2.300 mm
  • Grinding Machine
  • Cabeçote vertical
  • Cabeçote horizontal
Torno vertical
  • Diâmetro Máx de fresamento e torneamento 6.000 mm
  • Altura Máx adimissível de torneamento 2.800 mm
  • Peso Máx adimissível sobre a placa 60.000 kg
  • Potência de torneamento 142 kW
  • Rotação Máx da placa 140 min-1
  • Potência de fresamento 48 kW
  • Rotação Máx de fresamento 5.000 min-1
  • Vertical Lathe
  • Trocador de ferramenta com Robô
  • Cabeçote especial Bost com eixo "Y"
  • Cabeçote de fresar com dois eixos contínuos (Tilting)
  • Cabeçote extendido
  • Cabeçote de retificar
  • ɸ do rebolo 450 mm
  • Curso transversal "X" 2.400 mm
  • Curso vertical do cabeçote "Y" 2.290 mm
  • Curso longitudinal da coluna "Z" 2.350 mm
  • Diâmetro do mandril (o splindle) igual 150 mm
  • Curso do mandril "W" 1.000 mm
  • Potência de fresamento 25 kW
  • Rotação Máx de fresamento 700 min-1
  • Dimesões da mesa 2000x1700 mm
  • Velocidade de rotação da mesa 2 min-1
  • Peso adimissível sobre a mesa 6.000 kg
  • Avanços em "X", "Y", "Z", "W" 3.500 mm/min
Fresadoras Portal
  • Curso transversal da mesa "X 550 mm
  • Curso vertical do cabeçote "Y" 510 mm
  • Curso longitudinal da coluna "Z" 710 mm
  • Diâmetro do mandril (o splindle) igual 140 mm
  • Potência de fresamento 10 kW
  • Rotação Máx de fresamento 2.500 min-1
  • Dimesões da mesa 800x800 mm
  • Velocidade de rotação da mesa 4 min-1
  • Peso adimissível sobre a mesa 500 kg
  • Avanços em "X", "Y", "Z", "W" 2.500 mm/min
MMC - Máquina de Medição Tridimensional
  • Curso "X" 2.000 mm
  • Curso "Y" 1.000 mm
  • Curso "Z" 1.100 mm

Ctra. Villabona-Asteasu, km 2,5
20159 Asteasu Gipuzkoa (Spain)
0034 646 172 748 Fax: 0034 943 696 451

No Bostmek Machining, empresa de usinagem que pertencente ao grupo Bost, somos especialistas em usinagem de alta precisão de peças pesadas. Temos os mais avançados equipamentos para oferecer um serviço completo de usinagem de peças complexas. Em nossa usinagem de temperatura controlada somos capazes de usinagem de peças de até 6.000 mm de diâmetro com tolerâncias de ultra-precisão.

  • Bost Services Retrofitting
  • Bost Services

Ctra. Villabona-Asteasu, km 2,5
20159 Asteasu Gipuzkoa (Spain)
0034 646 172 748 Fax: 0034 943 696 451

Graças à sua equipe técnica altamente especializada a Bost Service oferece aos seus clientes um serviço pós-venda capaz de dar uma resposta rápida e minimizar o tempo de parada da máquina. Nossa ampla experiência no campo nos permite diagnosticar, analisar e resolver no menor tempo possível e pelo menor custo.

A Bost Service é líder de mercado, bem como de retrofitting das máquinas-ferramenta, graças ao seu serviço de adaptação. O retrofitting das máquinas são executados em conformidade com os requisitos das últimas tecnologias de usinagem e a Bost Service oferece a possibilidade de incorporar uma ampla gama de controle numérico, bem como equipamentos opcionais.

Para isso, temos uma vasta gama de tecnologias para a transformação completa das máquinas, estendendo a tipos de guias, instalação de cabeçotes mais potentes, a instalação de RAM e sistemas de compensação baricentricas, trocadores de ferramentas automáticas, sistemas de paletização, duplo sistema de pinhão, pick-up acessórios , ferramenta automática de fixação, etc, dando sempre a solução para os problemas dos clientes.

Graças à sua equipe técnica altamente especializada a Bost Service oferece aos seus clientes um serviço pós-venda capaz de dar uma resposta rápida e minimizar o tempo de parada da máquina. Nossa ampla experiência no campo nos permite diagnosticar, analisar e resolver no menor tempo possível e pelo menor custo.

A Bost Service é líder de mercado, bem como de retrofitting das máquinas-ferramenta, graças ao seu serviço de adaptação. O retrofitting das máquinas são executados em conformidade com os requisitos das últimas tecnologias de usinagem e a Bost Service oferece a possibilidade de incorporar uma ampla gama de controle numérico, bem como equipamentos opcionais.

Para isso, temos uma vasta gama de tecnologias para a transformação completa das máquinas, estendendo a tipos de guias, instalação de cabeçotes mais potentes, , a instalação de RAM e sistemas de compensação baricentricas, trocadores de ferramentas automáticas, sistemas de paletização, duplo sistema de pinhão, pick-up acessórios , ferramenta automática de fixação, etc, dando sempre a solução para os problemas dos clientes.

Bost China Beijing

Room 2832, Changping Commercial Mansion, Shihua Rd,
Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86 0755 8347 2093
Fax: +86 0755 8347 2096

Nossa trading chinesa e nosso escritório de serviço está localizado na área de embaixadas da cidade de Pequim, com um acesso rápido do aeroporto. A Bost Pequim fornece suporte técnico e comercial para o mercado chinês e tem uma equipe altamente qualificada capaz de dar uma resposta rápida e eficaz aos nossos clientes.


1972 Bost 1972 Bost foi fundada em 1972 sob o nome Talleres Bost. Bost iniciou a sua actividade como uma empresa que ofereceu seus serviços de retrofitting.

1979 históricas históricas históricas Bost realizou sua primeira expansão de instalações em 1979.

1981 históricas Bost retrofita a primeira máquina CNC, em 1981. Esta foi torno vertical pesado do tipo bandeira. Este foi um marco significativo na história da Bost por causa do avanço tecnológico ocorrido nesse momento.

1987 históricas históricas históricas Etxea, o fabricante de torno horizontal popular localizado em Hernani se uni ao grupo da Bost. Este é considerado como um importante ponto de mudança na história da Bost, A Bost começa a fabricação de novas máquinas neste momento.

1991 históricas Os pavilhões 4 e 5 da Bost são construídos em 1991, para montagem dos tornos verticais altos e máquinas de perfuração. A Bost tem 8.000 m2 de instalações para montagem.localizado em Herna.

1994 históricas históricas históricas Bost fabrica a primeira máquina multitarefa, um torno horizontal de torneamento e fresamento o T4F . Este era equipado com uma coluna que girava de um lado para o outro e possuiua de um lado o cabeçote de fresagem de um lado e uma guilhotina de tornear. Esta máquina foi vendida para o grupo Sidenor foi uma revolução técnica na época, não só para da Bost, mas para a indústria máquinas-ferramenta de todo o mundo. Bost começa fabricação de máquinas multitarefa.

2010 históricas Bost abre escritório em Pequim, a fim de oferecer assistência técnica e comercial diretamente da China e para o mercado asiático.


Customized specifications under special request

mm x mm

Customized specifications under special request

mm x mm

Customized specifications under special request

mm x mm

Customized specifications under special request


Customized specifications under special request


Customized specifications under special request




Equipe técnica da Bost oferece uma grande flexibilidade para projetar máquinas-ferramenta. Percebemos que nossos clientes não estão olhando para comprar máquinas, se não para resolver suas necessidades de usinagem com o menor custo e a melhor qualidade possível. Por isso, adaptamos o projeto de nossas máquinas para as necessidades do nossos clientes . Somos especialistas no fornecimento de instalações completas, incluindo a programação peças, ferramentas, dispositivos de fixação, cursos, etc

  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services
  • Services


De agora em diante, todas as nossas notícias continuarão a ser publicadas no Linkedin.
Você pode acessá-los aqui.


BOST CCMT Shanghai.

CCMT Shanghai, See you there!

Bost will be exhibiting at CCMT 2022 in Shanghai from 11 to 15 April. HALL W3 STAND A302



Bost has attended CIMT2021

Bost has attended CIMT2021 at Stand B016, Hall 4. Thank you all visitors!


EMO Hannover 2019. HALL 13 STAND C64

EMO HANNOVER 19” show in Hannover. HALL 13 STAND C64

We will be pleased to meet and show you our Company, products and applications, distinguished not only for the highest quality, but also for the best customization, flexibility and leading-edge technology.

From 16th to 21th of September 2019 at EMO HANNOVER 2019.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! HALL 13 STAND C64.

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International Paris Air Show 2019.


Bost is showcasing in Paris with its last news and products at INTERNATIONAL PARIS AIR SHOW 2019, from 17th to 23th of June 2019.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Hall 6 Booth NºB75.
More information

Metalloobrabotka show '19 in Moscow.


Bost is showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2019, from 27th to 31th of May 2019.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Pavilion 2 Hall 3 Stand 23 E50.
More information



BOST in the "TECN'É" magazine of June 2018.

The magazine TECN'É publishes an article about BOST history and BOST machine tools
More information on pages 142-143-144.

BIEMH 2018 machine tools international show in BilbaoBIEMH 2018 machine tools international show in Bilbao

Great success of BOST in BIEMH 2018

Bost Machine Tools Company would like to thank you the clients, suppliers and visitors for the support given during the show at BIEMH 2018 machine tools international show in Bilbao.

See you in the next show!

BIEMH 2018 machine tools international show in Bilbao

BIEMH 2018 machine tools international show in Bilbao,

The international machine tools show BIEMH 2018 will take place in Bilbao from 28th May to 1st June 2018.
Please, visit us and do not miss the opportunity to know about our Bost products and technology: Pavilion 2 - Stand F18.
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BOST colabora con DYA Gipúzcoa

La colaboracíon de BOST lleva el RCP a los colegios de Gipúzcoa
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Feria Metalloobrabotka '18 en Moscú.


Bost is showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2018, from 14th to 18th of May 2018.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Pavilion 2 - Hall 3 - Stand 23E50.
More information

Feria Metalloobrabotka '18 en Moscú.


Bost Machine Tool Company and UK partnership McDowell Machine Tool Solutions are exhibiting Bost product line up of high performance machine tools on Stand H17 500 - MACH - Birmingham from the 9nd to 13th of April.
Please stop by our stand for an introduction to the latest state of art machine tool technology.
Más información


Delteco & Bost collaborate with -Gipuzkoa Basket Club- team Delteco & Bost collaborate with -Gipuzkoa Basket Club- team Delteco & Bost collaborate with -Gipuzkoa Basket Club- team

Delteco & Bost collaborate with "Gipuzkoa Basket Club" team

Deteco & Bost group of companies express the great pleasure of collaborating with "Gipuzkoa Basket Club" team from the Spanish ACB basketball competition. The new name of the basketball team will be Delteco GBC.

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EMO Hannover 2017. HALL 13 STAND C62 Emo Hannover 2017 Emo Hannover 2017 Emo Hannover 2017

Great success of BOST in EMO HANNOVER 2017

Bost Machine Tools Company would like to thank you the clients and suppliers for the support given during the show at EMO Hannover 2017.

See you in the next show!

EMO Hannover 2017. HALL 13 STAND C62

EMO HANNOVER 17” show in Hannover. HALL 13 STAND C62

We will be pleased to meet and show you our Company, products and applications, distinguished not only for the highest quality, but also for the best customization, flexibility and leading-edge technology.

From 18th to 23th of September 2017at EMO HANNOVER 2017.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! HALL 13 STAND C62.

More information

Bost as an example of a company with international ambition

Bost as an example of a company with international ambition

17 July 2017 article

Article in a Spanish newspaper

Taes settles a collaboration with Bost

Taes settles a collaboration with Bost and invests on a Bost new Deep Hole Drilling Machine for diameters up to 360 mm and 10 m long.

15 June 2017

More information in Spanish

Interview with Xabier Aranbarri president Delteco Group about Delteco Robotics Interview with Xabier Aranbarri president Delteco Group about Delteco Robotics

Interview with Xabier Arambarri president of Delteco Group about new company division, Delteco Robotics and Serkide.

14 June 2017

Article in Spanish

Bost meets with Dmitri Medvédev, Prime Minister of Russia and Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of Russia

Bost meets with Dmitri Medvédev, Prime Minister of Russia and Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of Russia, together with Álvaro Nadal, Minister of Industry of Spain and Marisa Poncela, Secretary of Commerce of Spain.

29 May 2017Karlos Aranbarri, President of Bost, has discussed with Mr Medvedev several ways of collaboration between Bost and Russian companies.

Bost has closed a big contract in Russia for aerospace parts manufacturing and is right now participating in several tenders in order to intensify its presence at the Russian market.

Bost has shown to the Russian government its intention and compromise to become an strategic and key partner for the modernization of Russian factories.

More info links:
Article in a Spanish newspaper
Spanish Embassy
News at Russian TV

Bost participa en una misión a Querétaro junto a Hegan

Bost participa en una misión a Querétaro junto a Hegan

artículo de
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Metalloobrabotka 17” show in Moscow. Metalloobrabotka 17” show in Moscow.

Metalloobrabotka 17” show in Moscow.

Bost is showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2017, from 15th to 19th of May 2017.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us in Pavilion 2 Hall 3 Stand 23B32!
More information

James Tate, chief finance officer at Sheffield Forgemasters International with Chris Scholey from Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. Logo

Extra-large Bost VTL and borer coming to Sheffield Forgemasters

27 February article
Read article

Bost FMS newsletter with Machines Production for France.

Bost FMS newsletter with Machines Production for France. article
Read article

Bost manufactures a FMS installation for OIL&GAS industry. Bost manufactures a FMS installation for OIL&GAS industry.

Bost manufactures a FMS installation for OIL&GAS industry. article
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Bost muestra por qué lidera su segmento de máquinas Bost muestra por qué lidera su segmento de máquinas

Bost muestra por qué lidera su segmento de máquinas article
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AMB 2016 International exhibition for metal working in Stuttgart


See what BOST means on December 2016
More information

New video about BOST VTL 85 C 7000-2 machine New video about BOST VTL 85 C 7000-2 machine New video about BOST VTL 85 C 7000-2 machine

HOFFMANN GROUP, worldwide known tools manufacturer, has launched a new tools range with a promotional video on the VTL 85 7.000-2.

VTL 85 C 7.000-2 vertical lathe is installed in the German customer named Kollmeder (2104) and produces heavy complex workpieces with tight tolerances.
See the video

AMB 2016 International exhibition for metal working in Stuttgart

AMB 2016 International exhibition for metal working in Stuttgart,

The international exhibition for metal working AMB 2016 will take place in Stuttgart from 13th to 17th September 2016.
Please, visit us and do not miss the opportunity to know about our Bost products and technology
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BIEMH 2016 machine tools international show in Bilbao

BIEMH 2016 machine tools international show in Bilbao,

The international machine tools show BIEMH 2016 will take place in Bilbao from 30th May to 4th June 2016.
Please, visit us and do not miss the opportunity to know about our Bost products and technology
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Metalloobrabotka 16” show in Moscow. Metalloobrabotka 16” show in Moscow. Metalloobrabotka 16” show in Moscow. Metalloobrabotka 16” show in Moscow.

Metalloobrabotka 16” show in Moscow.

Bost is showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2016, from 23th to 27th of May 2016.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us in Pavilion 2 Hall 3 Stand 23B32!
More information

METAV fair 2016 in Düsseldorf METAV fair 2016 in Düsseldorf

METAV fair in Düsseldorf

METAV fair will be held from 23th to 27th of February in Düsseldorf. You can find information about Bost products in Halle 15 / Stand B35.
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The world’s largest manufacturer of mining dump trucks The world’s largest manufacturer of mining dump trucks

New article about our customer Belaz in Belarus.

The world’s largest manufacturer of mining dump trucks
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Thank you for visiting Bost at EMO Milano 2015!

Thank you for visiting Bost at EMO Milano 2015!

Bost Machine Tools Company would like to thank you the clients and suppliers for the support given during the show at EMO Milano 2015.
See you in the next show!
See Video


EMO MILANO 15” show in Milan. Hall 1 Stand D25

Bost is showcasing in Milano with its last news and products at EMO MILANO 2015, from 5th to 10th of October 2015.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Hall 1 Stand D25.
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Nuestro cliente Belaz de Bielorrusia ha obtenido un récord Guinness, "La carrocería(volumen) de camión para minería más grande".

La carrocería del camión minero más grande es el Belaz 75710 con un volumen de 645.4 metros cúbicos. Hecho por Belaz (Bielorrusia ) y probado en sus locales en Zhodino, Bielorrusia, el 22 de enero de 2014.
Más información

2015 2015 2015

Metalloobrabotka 15” show in Moscow. Pavilion 2 - Hall 3 - Stand 23B35

Bost is showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2015, from 25th to 29th of May 2015.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Pavilion 2 - Hall 3 - Stand 23B35.
More information

2015 2015

FEIMAFE 2015 show in São Paulo. Stand H-298

Bost is showcasing in São Paulo(Brazil) with its last news and products at Feimafe 2015, from 18th to 23th of May 2015.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit us! Stand H-298.
More information



BOST in the "Cutting Tool Engineering" magazine of September 2014.

The magazine Cutting Tool Engineering publishes an article about Magna Machine -Cincinnati, USA- high cutting features for heavy parts.
Bost VTL 60 CY vertical lathe and Bost T4F turn-mill horizontal lathe are “shop´s superbay”.
More information on pages 50-51.


Successful BIEMH 2014 machine tools international show for Bost in Bilbao.

Bost Machine Tools Company would like to thank you the clients and suppliers for the support given during the show.
See you in 2016!

2014 2014 2014

BIEMH 2014 machine tools international show in Bilbao, Pavilion 2 Stand C-23 E-24

The international machine tools show BIEMH 2014 will take place in Bilbao from 2nd to 7th June 2014.
Please, visit us and do not miss the opportunity to know about our Bost products and technology at Stand C-23 E-24, pavilion 2.

2014 2014

MACH - Birmingham - 2014

Bost Machine Tool Company and UK partnership McDowell Machine Tool Solutions are exhibiting Bost product line up of high performance machine tools on Stand 5475 - MACH - Birmingham from the 7nd to 11th of April.
Please stop by our stand for an introduction to the latest state of art machine tool technology.  


2014-02-12 The president of the Basque Country visits Bost and Bostek

Please click the next link to download the video and photos of the visit.  More information

2014 2014 2014 2014


The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa Mr. Martin Garitano visits Bost. Link to the photo gallery.


2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012


We have celebrated our first Open House show with great success! Please check the pictures taken during the event with more than 500 visitors that could feel the Bost experience. Thank you very much for your support, it has been a great pleasure meeting you the 12th and 13th of December 2013.  More information PDF



Bost is celebrating its first Open House show on the 12th and 13th of December 2013. We are showing a 21 m long hydrostatic Gantry milling machine PGM 53, a special hydrostatic T4H15 horizontal lathe for the main fitting landing gear internal boring, 5 m table SM 50 CH vertical lathe for turbine part machining and a 7 m automatic table VTL 85 C vertical lathe among other things. Do not miss the opportunity to know on site the way we are manufacturing machine tools! We do Bost!


Interempresas 2013

Bostmek is showing all its features in the article published by the most important magazine of the machine tools market in Spain, Interempresas. Check its high machining capacities and send us your piece, we will machine it for you!  More information PDF

2013 2013

Midest Paris 2013

BOSTMEK Machining is showcasing in the Midest2013, Paris - France, in the international industrial subcontracting most important of Europe from the 19th to 22th of November. Visit our stand and send us your pieces! Hall 6 Stand U98.

2013 2013

EMO 2013 show in Hannover. Hall 26 Stand F26

The EMO 2013 will be held in Hannover from September 16th to 21th. Please visit us and do not miss the chance to see the great news that BOST will present at this event. Hall 26 Stand F26.

2013 2013

Metalloobrabotka 13" show in Moscow. Pavilion 4 - Hall 2 - Stand 4B20

Bost is going to be showcasing in Moscow with its last news and products at Metalloobrabotka 2013, from 26th to 31th of May 2013. Do not miss the opportunity to visit us!  Pavilion 4 - Hall 2 - Stand 4B20. 

2013 2013

CIMT 13" international show in Beijing. Stand A102 - Hall E2.

The international show CIMT 13” will take place in Beijing from 22th to 27th April 2013. Please, visit us and do not miss the opportunity to know about our Bost products at Stand A102 - Hall E2.


2012 2012

The magazine Metalworking World recognizes Bost's great technical capacity

 More information PDF


METAV fair in Düsseldorf

METAV fair will be held from 28th February to 3rd March in Düsseldorf. You can find information about Bost products in Hall 15 / C20.


Spanish Machine Tool Biennial: May 28th - June 2nd, 2012.

The BIEMH will be held at Bilbao Exhibition Center in Barakaldo from May 28th to June 2nd. Take this opportunity to visit Bost booth and learn about its products.



6th International new energy and energy saving exhibition in Nanjing (China)

Bost will be showcasing at the 6th International new energy and energy saving exhibition that will take place from 10th to 12th November.
Visit us at Nanjing International Expo Centre (Stand A18, Hall A).

2011 2011

Come to visit us at EMO Hannover - Hall 26 Booth J37

The international fair EMO HANNOVER will take place from 19th to 24th September 2011. Please visit us and do not waste the chance to see the great news that BOST will present at this event.


Metalloobrabotka '11 in Moscow

Bost will be showcasing at Metalloobrabotka trade exhibition in Moscow from 23 to 27 May.
Visit us at booth 23B05, Pavilion 2, Hall 3.
More information:


Just don't miss it!

Visit us at CIMT 2011 in Beijing from 11 to 16 April.
Bost is taking part in the trade show with a 260 m2 stand. Come and see us at stand A202, Hall E2


Metalworking Belarus ’11 in Minsk

Visit us at Metalworking Belarus in Minsk from 11 to 14 April.
Bost will be showcasing its range of products at the trade exhibition.


2010 2010

Visit us at the Stuttgart AMB from 28 September - 2 October

Bost to present its products at the Stuttgart AMB fair, to be held from 28 September – 2 October 2010
Bost will be on Stand 9C75 in Hall 9 to present its updated range of high-precision vertical lathes. +Info

2010 2010

Bost sells a vertical lathe to Siemens China

Siemens Mechanical Drive Systems has acquired a Bost VTL 22 – 1.800 PC machine for its Tianjin plant in China. The machine is a vertical lathe with a pallet change system for machining parts with a diameter of up to 2200 mm.

2010 2010

Schmidt & Clemens invests in a special Bost tube cutting machine

Schmidt & Clemens have purchased a DBL-6.000/2 machine from Bost. The machine was specifically ed for this client and is a pipe end cutting machine with an automatic loading system.

2010 2010

Bost’s participation in the BIEMH10 is a great success

Bost’s participation in the 26th machine tool biennial in Bilbao was a huge success. Manufacturing firm Bost ended the fair with the sale of a SM 20 – 1.600 lathe to Industrias Metalúrgicas Galindo, further consolidating the prestigious Vizcaya-based firm’s position in the aeronautics sector.  + Info


Bost appears on the front cover of the May issue of the specialist machine tool journal Metalunivers.

More information PDF

2010 2010

Visit us at BIEMH 2010 Bilbao (31 May - 5 June)

You can visit us at BIEMH10 from 31st May to 5th June.
Bost will show our VTL C vertical lathes during BIEMH10 on our 214 m2 stand.
The 26th edition of the BIEMH is to be held in 2010. Jointly organised by BEC and AFM, its progress has been unstoppable. As a result, it is now considered the third most important exhibition in Europe in its sector.
 At the 26th edition, the foremost manufacturers and distributors will meet visitors from all round the world so that they can see and learn about the latest developments, technologies from leading companies in their speciality.


Bost will be present in the fair Metalloobrabotka2010 from 24 to 28 May

Visit us in the stand FG114 / 12 during the fair Metalloobrabotka2010 from May 24 to May 28 in Moscow.  + info

2010 2010

Bost creates Bostek, a unit of research and development of new products

At the inauguration of the center Bostek Markel Olano, Jose Ramon Guridi and Iñaki Ibarra were present.


Visit us at Metav 2010 Düsseldorf (23-27 February)

Visit us at Metav 2010 in Düsseldorf from 23rd to 27th February.
We will stay at  Hall 15 - Stand 15C35.
We will show you our range of multi-process vertical lathes.

Enercon expands its order with up to 8 vertical lathes Bost multifunction

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Bost occupies during January the front page of the magazine Imhe specialized in the sector of the machine tool



The magazine specializes in machine tools choose IMHE vertical lathe VTL multithreaded 53 C - 5000 as the machine of the month

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Visit us at EMO 2009 in Milan from 5th to 10th October - HALL 7 - STAND F28 G29

Visit us at EMO 2009 in Milan from 5th to 10th October.
We will stay at  HALL 7 - STAND F28 G29.   + info


Bost deals during the month of September the cover of the prestigious journal IMHE specializes in machine tool sector.


2008 2008

Bost was involved as an official sponsor in the 17th edition of IFM 2008 (INTERNATIONAL FORGEMASTERS MEETING), held in Santander from 3rd to 7th November

+ info

2008 2008

The North American review Modern Machine Shop publishes an article on Bost Machine Tools Company during the international machine tool fair IMTS 2008 held in Chicago from 13th to 8th September

More information PDF


The July edition of the review specialised in the machine tools sector, Metalunivers, includes an article on the technical solutions offered by Bost Machine Tools Company in the sphere of renewable energies

Bost Machine Tools Company, a national reference point in machine tools for heavy industry, has experienced significant quantitative and qualitative growth over recent years. The company provides machine production orientated mainly towards the energy sectors.
Historically, Bost has always been a renowned manufacturer of special machinery for large size crankshaft mechanisation. The main applications of this type of crankshaft are maritime transport, railways and the generation of energy.  More information PDF


Since the month of March, Bost has occupied the cover of the prestigious review IMHE, which is specialised in the machine tools sector

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Bost celebrates great success at BIEMH 2008 in Bilbao

Bost Machine Tools Company surprised all attendees at the 25th edition of the BIEMH in Bilbao with its VTL C multi-process vertical centres, which can satisfy the most demanding mechanisation requirements of heavy industry. Equally spectacular were its rotary tables and lathe and milling machine, which are forged and include hydrostatic guidance.  More information PDF



The BIEMH fair will be held in Bilbao from 3rd to 8th   March. Bost will be present at the fair with a 200m2 stand. We will have a rotary table on display as well as a vertical lathe turning and milling centre. Visit us at pavilion 3, on stand E24 - F23. + information




The emo fair will be held in Hannover from 17th to 22nd September. Bost will be present at the fair with a 165m2 stand. We will have a rotary table on display as well as a vertical lathe turning and milling centre. Visit us at Stand F17 hall 26.



Vertical lathes and lathe turning and mill centres from Bost are manufactured with turning diameters of 1350 to 5300. They are divided into three groups:
• VTF: Fixed traverse vertical lathes for train wheels
• VTL:  Vertical lathes with mobile traverse
• VTL  C: Vertical milling and turning centres
The VTF model comprises two slides to machine the inside and the outside of train wheels and is  equipped with 1000kW of power.
The VTL and VTL C  model are constructed with a totally modular with the machine being equipped with different RAM sections  (250 x 250, 300 x 300),  different milling and turning power  (22-37), tool storages , milling /drilling  or grinding, different bed systems or palletized systems, linear indexing tables , etc.
The  VTL/VTL C  single column models lathes have turning diameters from 1600 to   3000 and the double column models have turning diameters from  3600 to 5300. These machines are constructed totally in cast iron with the exception of the crossbeam of the double column models which is manufactured by machining and welding to withstand the enormous bending stress this type of huge machine is subjected to. On the double column machines in addition to all the axes being hydrostatic there is an option for the bed to be uplifted hydrostatically too in the single column options.  More information PDF



Bost, the manufacturer from Gipuzkoa of large vertical lathes, rotary index tables and specialised machinery for crankshaft manufacture and other complex machinery has increased their order books by 22 million euros during the first six months of 2007 and hold orders to the value of 32 million and a workload for the next 21 months.  More information PDF

Bost: Machine Tools Company

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